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As a company, what should i know ?

What are you calling a company ?

Company refer to any shop, store, enterprise, institution or organization selling products or services.

What is the main goal of this repository ?

Bring together world wide companies in a single place and categorize them by branch of activities. Allow direct deals within salers and buyers.

As a saler, what is the added value of this repository for my business ?

Increase the visibility and the accessibility on your business around the world.

As a saler, I was wondaring if there were any rules or condition to promote my company in this repository ?

Yes, they are conditions and rules to follow in order to host your company in this repository. read more about here.

As a saler, how do I promote my company on this repository ?

Simply submit a request to us by filling this form.

As a saler, how do I change my company information such as adresse, name or logo ?

You can login to your account with the information provided to you over email after submiting your request.

As a personal, what should i know ?

As a buyer, what is the added value of this repository for me ?

Easily find the verified and trustable companies you need. Feel save to shop online on their website.

As a buyer, how can I send a feedback regarding a company ?

Please, use this form to share with us your experience regarding any company.

As a deliver man, what should i know ?

No Faq !!!